Wednesday, November 27, 2013

All About Wirings

STRUCTURED WIRING: What are the advantages of proper structuring of your cables and wiring.

STRUCTURED WIRING: What are the advantages of proper structuring of your cables and wiring.

STRUCTURED WIRING: What are the advantages of proper structuring of your cables and wiring.

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                Modern Home Wiring is referred to as structured wiring. Structured wiring has a lot of benefits. Structured wiring is wiring all your telephone, cable, data (internet) all to a structured wiring panel in the home which allows for easy access to be able to make easy changes to the system.
                To create your structured wiring solution simply connect cables from individual rooms into one structured distribution panel. Here are some advantages of structured wiring:
o    Consistency - having structured wiring ensures the same cabling system for compatibility issues.
o    Compatibility - A standard structured cabling system will support a wide variety of applications and hardware from all types of vendors and will enable a mix and match of equipments for future expansions.
o    Easy Trouble shooting - Structured cabling systems allow identification of problems to be quick and easy.
o    Error Isolation - With a structured cabling system the entire network is divided into blocks, it becomes much easier to test, isolate and correct specific points in the system, with minimal disturbance to the entire network.


  1. Great blog, informative, and well managed. Tnx for all this I learned a lot about wirings.

